Our Beneficiary


Fact 1

Studies have shown that 1 in every 59 people has autism globally.

Fact 2

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tend to have greater difficulty with social interaction.

Fact 3

Certain stimuli such as bright lights and loud noise can traumatise people with autism, leading to panic attacks and breakdowns.

Problem Statement

  • Sensory issues are more prominent in people with autism as well. Glaring lights, huge crowds, noisy areas are some examples of the situations that might cause averse effects on them, which might overwhelm them and cause breakdowns.
  • People with autism have increased chances of having anxiety. 50-80% of autistic people show signs of anxiety.
  • During a panic attack or situations of anxiety, the heart rate of an individual can go up to 240 Beats Per Minute. In such situations, it would be dangerous especially if they do not know how to cope and are left unattended..
  • Our solution

    A L E R T B A N D - A wristband with a built in heartrate sensor, speaker, and cellular access to alert and inform caretakers and familly members services on anxiety attacks which are common in people with autism.

    Our Prototype




    Project Heartcode involves the colloboration between Bendemeer Secondary School and Singapore Management University. We aim to help people with disabilities and improve their lives.

    Singapore Management University

    Bendemeer Secondary School