Welcome To Our Solution!
We will give you a voice
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We strive to help the speech-impaired in their life journey, by providing a solution that helps to aid them in dire situations. This helps them to establish an independent lifestyle.


We hope that our solution can give caregivers of the speech-impaired a peace of mind when they are not around.


These are some of the problems a speech-impaired person faces in their daily life:


Travelling alone is difficult


No one knows when they are suffering


They cannot express themselves


This is (not) a real life story:

  • Chapter One

    Their Journey Begins

    The speech-impaired person wishes to go shopping without their caregiver as they wanted to explore a new place without being supervised.

  • Chapter Two

    Lost in Lala Land

    On their way to Lala Land, they suddenly realise that they are lost! They tried to find their way again, but to no avail.

  • Chapter Three

    Trying to Seek Help

    They look around for someone to help them. They finally get someone's attention, but cannot communicate that they are lost! After a few attempts, they give up.

  • Chapter Four

    Help Has Arrived

    They place their hand over their aWatch. This activates the watch to display multiple functions, such as to alert their caregiver, or to call for help from people nearby with the assistance of their caregiver.

  • Chapter Five

    Safe and Sound

    With the help of aWatch and a helpful passerby, they reach Lala Land safely!


Temperature Distance Status
24.5 158 Off

Alert Button

The person in need will activate the alert button using the smart watch, to notify people nearby that they need help.

Caregiver Notification

At the same time, the caregiver will receive a message about the help needed. They can then proceed to locate and help the person in need.

Our Amazing Team

This solution is brought to you by:

Lee Cheng Leng and Rena Lim

Singapore Management University, Bendemeer Secondary School